Immigration record in Lithuania in 2018
According to the statistics of Migration Department of The Republic of Lithuania more than 58 thousand foreigners lived in Lithuania in the beginning of 2019 and this number is a record since the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania. Comparing to 2017 the number of foreigners living in Lithuania increased by 15 %. In 5 years the number increased by 31 %.

Regardless of the increasing number of the foreigners in the proportion to Lithuanian citizens living in the country the percentage of foreigners still remains low since it is 2,08 % of the whole population. The vast majority is third country nationals - 51 387. EU citizens and their family members are only 6 635.

The number of foreigners coming to Lithuania as labour immigrants is also increasing. In 2018 foreigners who immigrated due to the work reasons consists of 12 996 according to decisions to issue temporary residence permit (TRP). Comparing to 2017 where the number was 9 292, the growth is by more than 34 %.
