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Frequently asked questions

Please check out our frequently asked questions about relocation services to Lithuania.

  • What are relocation services?
    Relocation services help the employee to move from one country to another. Usually, it includes services before arrival: pre-assignment visit, searching for housing, legal support in obtaining a visa or temporary residence permit (immigration), and movement of household items. Services provided upon arrival: schooling, opening a bank account and medical services, cultural awareness training, spouse support. And finally, the services provided at the end of the employee assignment (departure): termination of agreements, the closing of bank accounts, unregistering from the country, transportation of belongings etc.
  • How much do relocation services cost?
    The cost of relocation differs depending on how many services shall be provided. It depends on the capacity and policies of the company. Every case is customised according to company and employee needs and requirements. Worth to note that in the majority of countries, some relocation services are taxed as a benefit in kind; therefore, in Lithuania, the taxes are equal to salary taxation. For more information and a tailored proposal, please refer to, which will be estimated what budget shall be allocated to a particular case.
  • Can you relocate non-EU resident employees?
    Yes, we have deep experience and developed processes for non-EU employees when immigration policies are more demanding and require additional effort and documentation. Relokon is noted for very dedicated and fast actions when non-EU employees get residency permits in 3-4 weeks.
  • How do relocation services work?
    Relocation starts from policies and processes established in the company. When an employee moves from one country to another, it takes huge efforts and time to organise relocation for the employee and family members. Relocation from one country to another is considered one of the major stress factors. That’s why such mobility companies as ReloKon, step in and give a hand from the beginning. When the country of destination is clear, the first step is to clarify what documents are required, the requirements and market situation of housing, schooling, and what immigration services will be provided. The process is clarified through pre-assignment calls between the company, employee and relocation service. Once essential requirements are explicit, ReloKon continues to provide services step by step, from immigration to housing and settling in of family members.
  • What is the difference between lump sum and allocated budget?
    Employees relocated to new locations may receive a lump sum (fixed amount) or a dedicated budget to cover their transition expenses. The lump sum is a fixed bucket of money, and the employee decides which relocation services they can use. The allocated budget covers incurred costs and is more tailored to employee needs. For more information and comparison, please refer to our page: Employee Relocation to Lithuania Budget (Part II): Lump sum or tailore (
  • How do I relocate fast?
    Speed of relocation depends if there case of EU or non-EU citizens. Therefore, an integral factor is a readiness for relocation. That’s why we organise pre-assignment visit calls and clarify all necessary steps and documentation.
  • What is meant by international relocation?
    International relocation means movement from one country to another for living and work. It may last from 3 to 12 months and longer. While moving abroad, one should consider his residency permits and location of income taxation. As a general rule in Lithuania, taxation residency is considered the location where the employee spends more than 183 days per calendar year.
  • What differentiates ReloKon?
    We often hear that the relocation process is very individual and complex. We agree with that, and from the very beginning of our business, we took this element as a key: “Personalised relocation services”. In every process, we aim to bring the employee and his family to work and life in a new country as fast as possible with a tailored approach. As a result, such abilities as agility, speed, empathy, experience and high quality are recognised among many of our customers. Our quality and reputation is supported by membership in the European Relocation Association EuRa and several international chambers of commerce.
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